As we are a DMC in Porto, it is part of our job to attract events to northern Portugal, but it is frankly an easy sell! Over the last 10 years, Porto and northern Portugal have really made a big impact as tourist destinations and now the number of events being organised here are also growing rapidly.

So here are 5 very good reasons to organise an event in Porto or northern Portugal.

1. Porto is a friendly city – Porto is a very manageable size and there is a genuine warmth to the welcome.
2. There is a broad range of venues for events – from historical to modern luxury, at prices that more established cities would struggle to match.
3. There are a large number of 4 and 5 star hotels clustered round the centre, so you can easily run your event in a central location.
4. The airport serves over 60 destinations and is 15 minutes from the centre
5. There are many fabulous restaurants and a very active nightlife all in walking distance from the centre

If you are looking for a DMC in Porto, please contact us and we will give you all the reasons you need to hold your event in Porto!